Examples of Producers in Biology

Examples of Producers in Biology

QUICK DEFINITION: Producers in biology are organisms, mainly plants, that manufacture their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis, serving as the primary source of energy for ecosystems. EXPLANATION: The natural ecosystem is designed in such a way that organisms either make their food or feed on others. Producers, also called autotrophs, make the food while …

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8 Passive Transport Examples in Real Life

Have you ever wondered how the scent of perfume or hair freshener spreads throughout a room? Or how salt spreads over food in a saucepan without stirring?  The concept behind these processes is called passive transport. Passive transport is the process by which particles or substances move from a region of high to low concentration …

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7 Prezygotic Barriers Examples

Prezygotic Barriers Examples

How do different species attain their distinct identities as species? The short answer is through speciation which is a process(formation of distinct species) that relies on various mechanisms that isolate different groups of organisms so that they are prevented from reproducing hybrids. A prezygotic barrier or isolation is a situation in reproduction where the eggs …

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10 Facilitated Diffusion Examples in Real Life

Facilitated Diffusion Examples in Real Life

DEFINITION: Facilitated diffusion is a passive transport process where specific molecules move across a cell membrane with the assistance of transport proteins, following a concentration gradient without energy expenditure. EXPLANATION: A cell is like a busy factory that needs input supplies to come in and waste thrown out. Like a factory with a wall, windows, …

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