8 Examples of Monism in Real Life

Monism is a philosophical belief that all reality is derived from a unified principle or substance. The principle or substance is often considered spiritual or metaphysical and is believed to underlie all of material reality.

In Monism, things aren’t split into separate categories like mind and body or physical and spiritual. Instead, it’s believed that everything is connected and comes from this one basic stuff or idea. This implies that everything in the world, though it may seem different, actually comes from the same source, kind of like how different colors all come from the three primary colors.

Examples of Monism in Real Life

1. The Concept of One God

Many religions teach that everything in existence comes from a single source. This Supreme Being or force is believed to be the foundation for all things and is responsible for creating and governing the universe. Instead of multiple gods controlling various aspects of life, it is believed that only one divine entity controls everything.

2. Holistic Medicine

Holistic medicine treats illness by considering the whole person, not just their physical symptoms. It considers all aspects of an individual’s life, including spiritual and intellectual well-being. The belief is that if there is an imbalance in these areas, it can lead to physical illness. For example, someone who is experiencing chronic stress due to work or personal problems may develop physical symptoms such as headaches or stomach issues.

Holistic medicine would look at ways to address the root cause of the stress rather than simply treating the physical symptoms. Holistic medicine emphasizes the importance of caring for one’s entire being, mind, body and spirit, to achieve optimal health and wellness.

3. Environmentalism

Environmentalism is a movement that aims to protect the environment and preserve ecosystems for their intrinsic value. They believe that all life on Earth is interconnected and that seeing everything as part of a larger whole is essential. In other words, harming one part of the ecosystem can negatively affect the entire system.

For example, suppose we destroy a forest to build roads or buildings without considering how it will affect other parts of the ecosystem (such as animals). In that case, we could be causing long-term damage to the environment. By recognizing this interconnectedness and working towards preservation instead of destruction, we help protect our planet for future generations.

4. Spirituality

Spiritual practices like meditation, yoga, and mindfulness are designed to help people feel a sense of oneness or connection with themselves, others, and the world around them. By regularly engaging in these practices, individuals can better understand their place in the universe and how they relate to everything else. This can benefit mental and physical health by encouraging feelings of peace and contentment.

5. Education

Everything we learn in school is related to each other and should be taught to reflect this connection. For example, when learning about history, we can also learn about geography and culture because they are all connected. Monism helps students see how different subjects are not isolated from one another but instead work together to create a bigger picture of knowledge.

6. Advaita Vedanta

Advaita Vedanta is a school of Hindu philosophy that teaches that there is only one ultimate reality, Brahman, and that everything else is an illusion. According to this belief system, the individual self or ego is also an illusion, and that true knowledge comes from realizing the unity of all things.

7. Physics

Physics explains that everything in the world comprises tiny particles or fields. Like what we see daily, all matter consists of these little building blocks. The core concept is that the entire universe can be perceived as one comprehensive system, described through mathematics. So, instead of thinking about everything as separate parts, we can think about everything as one interconnected whole.

8. Buddhism

Buddhism is a religion that believes in the idea of everything being connected and there not being a separate self or soul. This means that the concept of “self” is an illusion, and everything around us is constantly changing and impermanent. The belief system emphasizes the importance of interconnectedness, compassion, and empathy between all living beings. In other words, we are all part of a larger whole, and it’s important to be kind and understanding towards others because we are all connected in some way.