How Much Does Salt Water Weigh?

How Much Does Salt Water Weigh?

Water from oceans and seas contains dissolved salts, atmospheric gases, and inorganic matter. The density of water with dissolved substances is higher than pure water. Saltwater is water that contains dissolved salts. Water from oceans and seas is salty. About 70% of the earth’s surface is covered by water in the seas and oceans, which …

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Are Clouds Gas or Liquid?

Are Clouds Gas or Liquid?

On a humid day, we see clouds floating in the sky. Some clouds are white and sparsely scattered, while others are dark gray and heavy. There are four major types of clouds; stratus, nimbus, cirrus, and cumulus. Some clouds, such as stratus, form snow while others, such as nimbus, result in rainfall. Cumulus clouds appear …

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Are Glaciers Constructive or Destructive?

Are Glaciers Constructive or Destructive?

During winter, we see snowfalls everywhere. When snowflakes accumulate over a long period, blocks of ice are formed. Some of the ice melts when the temperature rises in lower altitude areas. Ice in high-altitude areas can stay for a long time without melting because the temperatures are low. As the ice accumulates to form large …

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Has it Ever Rained Fish?

Has it Ever Rained Fish?

Reports of fish raining from the skies have been frequently recurring. From ancient times up to more modern times, witnesses have continued to report such incidents. This brings to mind similar accounts in the Bible where frogs or gnats were transported in large numbers and deposited on homes during the showdown between Moses and Pharaoh …

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Do all Cells have DNA?

Do all Cells have DNA?

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) has been described as the molecule of life. It has been found in the cells of all organisms that have ever been observed. But is it possible that we could have organisms with no DNA?  So far, the organisms we know are just a fraction of all living organisms. Many more organisms …

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How is the Doppler Effect Used in Astronomy?

How is the Doppler Effect Used in Astronomy

When a truck sounding a horn approaches you, the horn’s pitch increases gradually and is highest as the truck passes near you. As the truck recedes, the pitch gradually decreases. The variation in sound as the source approaches the receiver and as it moves away is caused by the Doppler Effect.  The Doppler Effect, also …

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