10 Plausible Deniability Examples

Plausible deniability is a concept that refers to a situation where a person can deny any involvement in an illegal or unethical activity because there is not enough evidence to prove otherwise.

It is often used as a defense mechanism to protect people in positions of power or authority. This concept frequently arises in legal and political situations where an individual may be implicated in wrongdoing but wishes to maintain their innocence or avoid consequences for their involvement. It allows them to distance themselves from any wrongdoing and avoid accountability.

Plausible deniability has been criticized as a cowardly and unethical approach to dealing with illegal or unethical acts. It can undermine trust and transparency in relationships, whether they are personal or professional.

However, plausible deniability can also be used as a tool for good. In some cases, it can also be necessary for national security reasons.

Here are ten scenarios where plausible deniability can be used both for good and to avoid implications.

Examples of Plausible Deniability

1. Political campaigns

Scenario: A candidate’s supporter creates an ad attacking the opponent in a manner that is seen as inappropriate. However, the candidate says they didn’t know about it and shouldn’t be held responsible for its content.

In political campaigns, candidates sometimes use plausible deniability to avoid taking direct responsibility for any negative actions taken by those associated with their campaign. This means that if someone on their team says or does something controversial or negative, the candidate can claim they had no knowledge of it and distance themselves from the situation.

2. Business Negotiations

Scenario: Imagine two companies are negotiating a contract for a product. Company A knows they need this product from Company B, but they want to keep it private because Company B could raise their price. So instead, Company A pretends they’re not too interested in the product and tries to negotiate a lower price as if it’s unimportant to them. This way, even though Company A needs the product, it still has some leverage in negotiations because Company B doesn’t know how badly it needs it.

When businesses negotiate, it works to their advantage to pretend that they don’t know certain information or offers. If one side reveals their knowledge and intentions, the other might use this information against them in future discussions. By keeping some details secret, a business can maintain an advantage and negotiate better deals for themselves in the long run.

3. Intelligence operations

Scenario: An intelligence agency wants to gather information about a foreign government’s military capabilities. They send in a spy to gather this information, but they don’t want anyone to know they were involved. If caught, they claim that the spy acted independently and had no connection to them.

This is the most classic use of plausible deniability. Intelligence agencies such as the CIA may use plausible deniability to distort themselves from covert operations or protect their sources and methods. That means the agency can deny any involvement in the operation if it is discovered. Before sending in a spy, the agencies usually tell them that they will deny any knowledge of their activities if they get caught. This is done so the agency can avoid negative consequences, such as diplomatic fallout or public backlash. It also helps protect the identities of informants or other individuals who helped with the operation.

4. Secret societies

Scenario: A secret society plans to engage in vandalism and assigns different tasks to its members. But when one member gets caught, they say they had no idea what was going on or were unaware of the end goal.

In this scenario, people who keep their membership and activities hidden from the public protect themselves from being caught or linked to any controversial actions the group may take by using plausible deniability. Hence, if someone is accused of doing something wrong on behalf of the group, they can deny any involvement because there is no clear evidence linking them to it. This allows members of the organization to avoid getting in trouble with authorities or being associated with negative actions taken by their group. It’s like having an escape route in case things go wrong.

5. Cybercrime

Scenario: A person uses code or encrypted language to communicate sensitive information, making it harder for others to understand what they are saying. When accused of sharing the information, they deny knowing anything about it and claim that the communication was innocent.

In this situation, a person uses code or encrypted language to communicate information, making it difficult for others to understand the true meaning or decipher the message. This could help them avoid legal consequences because their words would be harder to interpret as evidence against them. Such people use common phrases to communicate sensitive information so that only the recipient can understand what they are talking about.

6. Military operations

Scenario: A soldier under the command of a general commits a war crime, like killing innocent civilians. However, the general says they had no idea what was happening and did not order or condone such actions.

In the unfortunate event that a soldier under the command of a general commits a heinous war crime, it is not uncommon for those in the chain of command to claim ignorance and disavow any knowledge or approval of such actions. This allows them to create some distance from any illegal activity and avoid being held accountable for the actions of their subordinate. It is an unfortunate reality that this tactic has been employed in numerous conflicts throughout history, sometimes resulting in those who are truly responsible for these atrocities escaping justice.

7. Corporate Collusion

Scenario: Let’s say two competing companies sell similar products at the same price. They might secretly agree to raise prices simultaneously so that both of them can make more money. To avoid getting caught for this illegal activity, one company could claim that they had no knowledge of what the other company was doing and deny any wrongdoing.

Plausible deniability is a tactic that some companies may use to avoid being caught colluding with their competitors. This means they create a situation where it appears as though they have no knowledge or involvement in any illegal activities even though they do because there is not enough evidence linking them directly to the crime.

8. Sexual harassment

Scenario: A supervisor makes sexual advances at employees and even goes on to demand that they engage in certain forms of intimacy for them to get hired or maintain a certain position.

In the workplace, an employer may try to avoid responsibility for this behavior by claiming that they didn’t know it was happening even though employees may have filed multiple reports. Essentially, the employer can say they had no knowledge of sexual harassment in their workplace and, therefore, cannot be held accountable for it. In some cases, the employer could go to the lengths of firing the supervisor to try and prove their innocence.

9. Illicit activities

Scenario: A drug lord orders his henchmen to carry out illegal activity, but he has a chain of command and delegates duties down the line to ensure he is never the one caught doing the actual illegal activity.

This situation talks about a drug lord who tells his helpers to do things that are against the law, but he wants to make sure that he doesn’t get caught doing it himself. He thus sets up a system where different people have different jobs and responsibilities. This way, if something goes wrong or someone gets caught breaking the law, he can say that he didn’t know anything about it because he wasn’t part of it. It’s like playing a game where each person passes on information or instructions to the next person down the line, so no one knows everything that’s going on except for the boss at the top of this chain of command.

10. Whistleblowing

Scenario: A company employee suspects their boss is embezzling funds. He starts keeping track of financial records and conversations with coworkers. However, rather than outright accusing his boss of wrongdoing or actively participating in the embezzlement scheme, he remains on the sidelines while gathering enough evidence to support his claims.

Whistleblowers often try to collect evidence of illegal activities while maintaining plausible deniability. They do so by working behind the scenes and keeping a low profile until they have gathered enough proof to make their case. When confronted by their employer, they can deny having any knowledge of the matter to protect themselves and avoid retaliation from those in power.


Plausible deniability is a concept that has been used in various contexts. While it can effectively shield those involved from consequences, it is not without its ethical and moral implications.

It is often seen as a tactic to avoid consequences. Still, it’s important to note that it does not necessarily mean there is no evidence of involvement or knowledge of wrongdoing. It means there is enough ambiguity or lack of direct evidence to make holding someone accountable for their actions difficult.